What is the Sustainability Ag-vocate Campaign?
Public Market Good's goal with these farmer features is to offer up our platform to amplify farmers' stories. We want to celebrate and champion farmers all across the globe and make their voices heard in the conversation around climate change and sustainability.
Being "ag-vocates" to us means advocating for the representation of all farmers, growers, and ranchers. Our hope is that #SustainabilityAgvocates fosters inclusivity and recognizing diversity within the farming community.
We are pleased to feature farmer Jenny Holtermann as our third #SustainabilityAgvocate. Jenny Holtermann farms in Shafter, California.
Tell us about your farm:
I farm almonds with my husband and his family. We are both fourth-generation California farmers and raising the next generation. To us being sustainable is ensuring we kept the land productive and healthy for the next generation. We want to leave the land better than the generation before us. We have increased our water efficiency and technology used on the farm to ensure we are being the best stewards to the land.

How did you get into farming?
I was born 4th generation farmer in Northern California where my family farms almonds and walnuts. I met my husband while working at the college farm at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and we moved to the Central Valley to farm with his family.
I was born 4th generation farmer in Northern California where my family farms almonds and walnuts. I met my husband while working at the college farm at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and we moved to the Central Valley to farm with his family.
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a farmer?
Being a woman in agriculture! I serve on numerous boards in my community and in agriculture where I am the only woman or one of few repainting their farm. I work on our farm and blog about our farm to ensure our farm story is being told. I don’t want people to lump me in with the corporate farms that surround me. We are a small family farm for the Central Valley and farming almonds because that is the best crop to grow in our area with our risk and expenses.

What are your thoughts and beliefs on farming in the face of climate change?
As farmers, we learn to adapt and grow with the ages. As the environment and impacts change we too must learn to evolve. Being the best stewards to the land is what is important. Treat the land the best way we can and it will be productive for us.
What are some misconceptions you hear about farming and agriculture when it comes to climate change that you'd like to address?
We are not water wasters. As an almond farmer, I hear that all the time. We are increasing our efficiency and producing more crop per drop than ever before. We grow what we grow because with our climate, soil, and water availability that is what fits this area best. We have adapted over the years to do just that.

What future are you farming for and how do you think your farm can make a difference?
We are farming for the next generation. I want there to be a farm here if our children so choose to farm. With today’s political pressure I don’t know if we will be able to keep a farm or if my kids will want to farm with the increasing difficulty we face. But without families doing what we do, farming will look very different in the years to come. We need to support and encourage family farms and the longevity of farming for our community and our children.
We are farming for the next generation. I want there to be a farm here if our children so choose to farm. With today’s political pressure I don’t know if we will be able to keep a farm or if my kids will want to farm with the increasing difficulty we face. But without families doing what we do, farming will look very different in the years to come. We need to support and encourage family farms and the longevity of farming for our community and our children.

Jenny Holtermann wearing our Love Your Bees Tee
Where can we follow along and support you?
Instagram: @almondgirljenny